This is one of those times!
There is a big update post coming but everytime I try to post it, blogspot comes up with an error and when I go back to my saved post...half of its gone! as you can imagine after spending 45 mins uploading photos and writing the post to then have it disapear is not very nice :(
Anyway sorry for my little rant on why I hate computers today (I think I might go back to writing my posts on paper first) but there is an Update and my first tutoial coming! (when the computer decides to be nice)
Hope everyone else is having more success with their computers,
Miranda & Charlie
Data SDY Hari Ini 23 Februari 2025
13 hours ago
try not to upload too many files, or make too big of a post. Instead it would probably work better if you split it up into several little posts so your computer won't tire itself out.